G2/G3 Gateway Backup Script

Installation instructions - for ICOM G2 and G3 gateways

cd /tmp
wget dstar.info/dist/g2_backup_installer
/bin/bash ./g2_backup_installer
Example Installation:
[nj6n@k6vo ~]$ su
[root@k6vo nj6n]# cd /tmp
[root@k6vo tmp]# wget -q dstar.info/dist/g2_backup_installer
[root@k6vo tmp]# /bin/bash ./g2_backup_installer

                D-STAR Backup Script (g2_backup) Installer

Backing up current g2_backup script ...[Done]
Fetching backup script from dstar.info/dist / g2_backup ... [Done]

Would you like to have a copy of your backup emailed to you? (Y/n): y

Enter the email address to backup data to: you@youraddress.com

Re-enter the email address to backup data to: you@youraddress.com

Installing package 'sharutils' using yum ... 

[ ... ]

  sharutils.i386 0:4.6.1-2                                                                                        

Installing cron.d entry: /etc/cron.d/dstar-backup ... [Done]

                   **** Important NOTE ****

Backup archive file will be created in /tmp at 04:35 every Sunday.

To create a backup manually:


A copy of the backup will also be sent to: you@youraddress.com
Backup script has been installed.
Brian Roode, NJ6N